Week 2a Finding Relief Without Opioids

Finding Relief Without Opioids

Finding Relief Without Opioids
There is no question that opioids are powerful pain killers. The problem is… they are also highly addictive and don’t actually fix the cause of your pain. Here is how Little Rock and North Little Rock can start to find relief without opioids.

Bottom Line:
There is no question that opioids are powerful pain killers.  The problem is… they are also highly addictive and don’t actually fix the cause of your pain.
If you’re struggling with chronic pain, you may be curious what your best options are for care.  How can you fix the cause of your pain, find lasting relief, and avoid these harmful medications?

Keep reading.
Why it Matters:
You may be surprised to learn that people who saw their Little Rock or North Little Rock chiropractor for spine pain had half the risk of filling an opioid prescription when compared to those who didn’t undergo chiropractic care.  Yes, chiropractors don’t prescribe these dangerous medications in the first place.  But what we’ve seen is that, over time, people receiving chiropractic care were less likely to fill their opioid  prescription.  In other words, that indicates that the care provided by chiropractors helped people find enough relief that they no longer sought medications to find relief!

Here’s what you need to remember…
ï‚· Masking spine pain with medications can possibly increase your risk of further injury.
ï‚· Movement-based care helps your body heal and can improve your likelihood of finding long term relief.
ï‚· Choosing chiropractic for spinal pain can reduce your risk of filling an opioid prescription by over 50%.

Next Steps:
Opioids aren’t meant to treat chronic spinal pain.  They don’t help your body heal and become less effective at stopping pain the longer you take them.
Instead of putting yourself at risk of developing a dependency, it’s a smart decision to explore other treatment options.
Start by calling Omnis Rehab today to schedule an evaluation.
Our Little Rock and North Little Rock chiropractic clinics are proud to help our community find relief from pain without the need for drugs.  Together, we can create a personalized treatment plan for you!


Science Source(s):
Impact of Chiropractic Care on Use of Prescription Opioids in Patients with Spinal Pain. Pain Medicine.
Vol 21:12. 2020.

Week 4a Tennis Elbow But I Dont Even Play Tennis

Tennis Elbow? But I Don’t Even Play Tennis!

Tennis elbow isn’t just for athletes. It’s a painful condition that occurs when them tendons in your elbow are inflamed and overloaded due to repetitive motion.

Bottom Line:

Did you know… tennis elbow isn’t just for athletes.
Lateral epicondylitis – or tennis elbow – is a painful condition that occurs when the tendons in your elbow
become inflamed and overloaded as a result of repetitive motion.  Because the repetitive motion that occurs is similar to that of swinging a tennis racket, it’s commonly referred to as tennis elbow.  However, anyone who has a job characterized by similar repetitive arm motions may be at risk.

Why it Matters:

Tennis elbow is often characterized by some pain and weakness, and that can make it difficult to perform
your daily tasks.  Because tennis elbow is an injury caused by repetitive – perhaps essential – motions, finding ways to decrease the inflammation and improve your biomechanics with the help of your Little Rock or North Little Rock Chiropractor is especially important.

Here are 3 natural ways to help reduce the pain associated with tennis elbow …

ï‚· Rest. Giving your arm time to rest is important to stop the cascade of inflammation and pain.
ï‚· Ice. Icing a few times per hour is a smart strategy to reduce pain and inflammation.
ï‚· Technique. Be mindful of how you are moving your arm, use proper ergonomics, and use a brace
for a short time if necessary.

Next Steps:

Tennis elbow is usually not a condition that will go away on its own.  However, we’ve found two key strategies for reducing the pain associated with tennis below.  The first is creating a plan of care with your Little Rock or North Little Rock Chiropractor that includes at-home exercises to strengthen your supporting muscles.  The second is performing chiropractic adjustments, when necessary, to improve the motion and movement of your elbow joints.

So, if you or someone you know is living with tennis elbow, give us a call in Little Rock or North Little Rock.  Together, we’ll create an individualized  chiropractic and rehab care plan focused on helping you find lasting relief, naturally.

Science Source(s):
Tennis Elbow. Orthoinfo by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. 2021.

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Shoulder Pain: How to Find Relief

Shoulder Pain

Your shoulder is the most unstable and moveable joint in your body. If you have shoulder pain, here is how you can find relief.  Make sure to contact your Little Rock or North Little Rock Chiropractor for a full evaluation.

Bottom Line:

Did you know… your shoulder is the most unstable and moveable joint in your body.  Its wide range of motion is facilitated by four primary muscles and their tendons, which together are called  the rotator cuff.
If your shoulder becomes inflamed or an impingement occurs, you may make the mistake of avoiding using your arm to help it heal.  It may surprise you to learn that controlled movement is one of the best ways to heal.
Not moving your shoulder can actually contribute to more pain – or even lead to a frozen shoulder!

Why it Matters:

The most common source of pain in the shoulder is the tendons.  Your tendons attach the muscles of the shoulder to the bones.

ï‚· If the sac of fluid that cushions your shoulder becomes swollen and painful as a result of
repetitive motion, you may have bursitis.
ï‚· If a tendon in your shoulder becomes inflamed, you may have tendonitis.
ï‚· If a tendon gets pinched between or under the bones of your shoulder, it can result in shoulder
impingement. Lifting overhead repetitively can cause impingement, and you may experience swelling and pain.

 If a tendon in your shoulder becomes torn, you guessed it – you have a rotator cuff tear. Your
rotator cuff can become damaged due to overuse, injury, or age, and tears usually cause pain
when lifting and may be accompanied by a popping sound.

Next Steps:

Your shoulder and spine work together.  While it may seem like they are two completely different and independent areas of the body, research has shown that postural abnormalities can play a significant role in your likelihood of developing shoulder pain.
Maintaining a full range of motion in your shoulder and in the spinal joints of your neck and mid-back can
help reduce your chances of experiencing shoulder pain.

If you’ve been living with shoulder discomfort or difficulty moving, take a moment to contact your Little Rock or North Little Rock Chiropractor for a complete evaluation.
As your Little Rock and North Little Rock Chiropractor, we will work together with you to create a movement-based plan that gives you the best chance of finding long-term relief, naturally.

Science Source(s):
Immediate Effects of Spinal Manipulation on Shoulder Motion Range and Pain in Individuals with
Shoulder Pain: A Randomized Trial. J Chiropr Med. 2019

Week 4a Headache Medications Cause Headaches

Headache Medications Cause Headaches

One of the primary side effects of many prevalent headache medications is, well… more headaches.  That’s right, headache medications cause headaches!!!


Bottom Line:

Rebound headaches are often caused by the same medications you use to find relief. Even taking medications for more than just a few days may trigger overuse, or rebound, headaches.


Why it Matters:

 If you find yourself reaching for over-the-counter pain medications more than once a week, you may be putting yourself at risk for rebound headaches.  Most headache medications aren’t designed to be used frequently because they simply address the symptoms, not the cause of the problem.  As you take medication, your body can become sensitized, meaning you need to take more medication to achieve the same result. This can lead to a downward spiral and cycle of chronic rebound headaches.


The good news?  Taking care of yourself and creating healthy habits each day can prevent most headaches.


Here are a few ways to naturally reduce your risk of headaches…


  • Get enough sleep – going to bed and waking up at the same time each day helps your body maintain a natural rhythm.
  • Reduce your stress – plan, manage your daily schedule, and make stress-busting activities like yoga or meditation a part of your lifestyle.
  • Exercise regularly – movement and exercise releases endorphins that help your brain and body feel good and block pain signals.


Next Steps:

Medications aren’t very effective at reducing the frequency or severity of headaches.

Masking the symptoms with drugs can work now and again, but it’s not a sustainable way to find long-lasting relief.

To find lasting relief, you’ll want to follow the latest healthcare guidelines that recommend movement-based care, such as visiting your Little Rock or North Little Rock Chiropractor.

A your Little Rock and North Little Rock Chiropractor, we believe everyone should have the opportunity to live their life free from chronic headaches, and we’re here to help!

Science Source(s):


Medication Overuse Headaches. Mayo Clinic. 2020.

Week 3a How to Get Rid of Daily Headaches

How to Get Rid of Daily Headaches

If you notice that your headaches are becoming more frequent and intense, it can be troubling. Daily headaches can make it challenging to have a high quality of life and can affect your work and home life.  Along with Chiropractic care from your Little Rock or North Little Rock Chiropractor, here is how you can get rid of daily headaches.


Bottom Line:

If you notice that your headaches are becoming more frequent and intense, it can be troubling.  Daily headaches can make it challenging to have a high quality of life and can affect your work and home life.  The good news is that many of the most common types of headaches can be reduced or even eliminated by changing just a few of your daily habits.


Why it Matters:

Stress and tension are two of the biggest triggers for tension headaches.

Chronic headaches can cause your nervous system to become sensitized, meaning each day it takes less and less “stimulus” to kickstart a headache. Sensitization can become a vicious cycle, especially if your days are filled with repetitive motions.

One of the best ways to reset your system and decrease sensitization is through movement. Whether you prefer yoga, stretching, or massage, movement of your spine and body can ease the tensions associated with headaches.


Here are the most common symptoms of tension headaches:

  • Dull, aching pain in the head and neck.
  • Pressure and tightness across the sides, front, and back of your head.
  • Tenderness in your shoulders, head, and neck.


Next Steps:

Movement and exercise are key to life and one of the most powerfully simple ways you can break a cascade of daily headaches.

If you’re struggling to get moving because of the pain, let your Little Rock or North Little Rock Chiropractor know.

We’re happy to work with you to develop a comprehensive plan to help you reduce the frequency and severity of your headaches starting today!

Science Source(s):


Tensions Headaches. Mayo Clinic. 2019.

Week 2a The Link Between Neck Pain and Headaches

The Link Between Neck Pain and Headaches

Your head hurts. Could it be coming from your neck?  Your Little Rock and North Little Rock Chiropractor can help!!!


You may be surprised to learn that neck pain and headaches are tightly linked together.  A headache that starts from an issue in the neck is called a cervicogenic headache. A cervicogenic headache is characterized by a dull pain that radiates from the neck to the back of the head. At times it may spread around the side or front of your head.

Why it Matters:
Cervicogenic headaches are common if you spend long hours at the computer each day.  Neck stiffness and tender muscles around your head and shoulders often come along with cervicogenic headaches because of the position that many of us sit in all day.  That added stress and strain on your upper back and neck muscles adds up. Without taking proactive steps to address the cause, you may notice that the headaches become more frequent and intense.

Keep this in mind…
ï‚· Cervicogenic headaches can begin due to tightness in the shoulders, a stiff neck, or poor posture.
 Chiropractic adjustments  by you Little Rock or North Little Rock Chiropractor can reduce the severity and frequency of headaches.
ï‚· Over 70% of people with cervicogenic headaches find significant relief with chiropractic adjustments.


Next Steps:
To break the cycle of daily cervicogenic headaches, you need to address the underlying cause.  Staying well hydrated (with water!), stretching at least every hour, and setting your workstation up
ergonomically are all important to reduce your headache risk.

If you still notice that headaches are bugging you, or you’re experiencing neck pain or limited neck range of motion, call us in Little Rock or North Little Rock for a complete evaluation so we can create a plan of care to help you not only get well, but stay well!


Science Source(s):
Chiropractic Spinal Manipulative Therapy for Cervicogenic Headache: a Single-Blinded, Placebo,
Randomized Controlled Trial. BioMed Central. 2017



Low Back Pain and Piriformis Syndrome

Here at Omnis Rehab Joint and Performance Center we see our fair share of low back pain, it is one of our most common complaints.  Did you know that your low back pain in Little Rock, Arkansas may not be caused by a low back issue at all?  Our Little Rock Chiropractic office and North Little Rock Chiropractic office see patients with low back pain caused from a condition called Piriformis syndrome every day and today we are going to learn about and how to fix this condition.

Piriformis Muscles

Piriformis Syndrome is a condition that affects the piriformis muscle, which is a muscle that stretches from the pelvis to the upper part of the thigh bone, and it is often mistaken for other, more prominent muscles.  When it comes to the muscle groups in the buttocks, most of our patients at our Little Rock Chiropractic office know about the big muscles players like the glute max, glute med and glute min, but have less education on the much smaller but just as important muscles.  These smaller muscle groups called the obturator internus and piriformis muscles are very important when it comes to the health and performance of our bodies.  

The piriformis muscles are the primary external rotators of your femur and upper leg.  They also produce a small amount of stabilization and adduction to the hip joint (think moving your leg out and away from the other leg, making a snow angel).  Another example for our Little Rock CrossFit athletes, when your coach tells you to “screw” your feet into the ground during a squat or a deadlift, the muscles you are activating are the piriformis and obturator internus muscles. 

Piriformis Syndrome

Now that we have a good understanding of the piriformis muscles and what they do, let’s talk about the pain and discomfort caused by piriformis syndrome.  If you suffer from this condition, you may feel numbness or tingling down the back of your legs, have pain in your glutes, or have a deep aching in the deep center of your glutes with activity.  No fun right?  

Piriformis syndrome is classified as a neuromuscular disorder that occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes irritated or compressed by the piriformis muscle, causing pain and paresthesia along the sciatic nerve distribution down the back of the leg. Thankfully, piriformis syndrome can typically be managed and treated very well conservatively with chiropractic care and rehab at your Little Rock Chiropractic clinic. 

Treatment of Piriformis Syndrome through Chiropractic 

At Omnis Rehab: Joint and Performance Center, we are equipped to treat all types of low back injuries and conditions, including Piriformis Syndrome.  We may do soft tissue treatments like direct pressure over the muscle area and ART depending on the severity of your condition.   We may also use Little Rock Acupuncture therapy or do trigger point needling/ dry needling in clinic to help alleviate pain and symptoms.  Another effective treatment for piriformis syndrome is targeted stretching and muscle relaxation.  At Omnis Rehab: Joint and Performance Center, we not only want to treat you in clinic, we want to teach you proper techniques and stretches that you can utilize at home to deal with your condition.  Your Little Rock chiropractors are a tremendous guide for this kind of stretching therapy and guidance.  Alongside our hands on treatment protocols, if you need further help with these exercises, we may utilize the services of our on staff Physical Therapist.

No matter the issue, our staff at Omnis Rehab: Joint and Performance Center, can help you get back to healthy through Little Rock chiropractic care, Little Rock physical therapy, or Little Rock massage therapy. Visit our website to check insurance benefits or set up an appointment with one of our providers..

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Chiropractic Care and Soft Tissue Work

When you think of chiropractic care, you may think doctors of chiropractic only adjust necks and backs, or work with the spine.  While we are known for our ability to perform adjustments, that’s not all that your Little Rock Chiropractor does at Omnis Rehab: Joint and Performance Center.  A large part of our work and your appointment revolves around working with soft tissue.

What is the difference in an adjustment and soft tissue work?

An adjustment is the manipulation or movement of a joint in the body traditionally done by hand or assisted by a handheld instrument such as an activator.  The soft tissue work done in our Little Rock chiropractic office or North Little Rock chiropractic office when paired with traditional chiropractic adjustments can help patients get better faster and improve prognosis.  Some of the soft tissue techniques we utilize include:

  • ART (Active Release Technique) 
  • Graston
  • Medi-Cupping
  • Manual Therapy
  • PIR (Post Isometric Relaxation)
  • PNF which is a form of stretching designed to increase flexibility of muscles and increase range of movement

Some Common Ailments Treated with Chiropractic Soft Tissue Care

With joint disfunction or injury, most of the time the issue is accompanied with surrounding tissue tightness, muscles compensations, or a functional deficit (loss of range of motion or strength in area).  Our goal at Omnis Rehab is to get you back to feeling good and healthy as soon as possible with minimally invasive treatments.  We believe that you should be able to do your favorite activities, sports, or job without nagging pain or issues.  Here are some of the most common ailments we see in our office.

Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow: Both of these conditions are due to excessive or repetitive use of the forearm musculature.  While often times this pain is attributed to the before mentioned sports, they are also commonly seen in office workers or those who do tasks that regularly put their hands or wrists under strain.  Consistent strain to the lateral forearm musculature can cause scar tissue to build. In many cases doing nothing may cause a decrease in mobility in the elbow, wrist, or hand joints.  Using soft tissue techniques employed alongside chiropractic care, we can help address the pain and injury, while assisting with rehab and prevention of future issues.

Achilles Tendonitis:  The pain associated with Achilles tendinitis typically begins as a mild ache in the back of the calf or above the heel after activity.  Tenderness or stiffness is also common, especially in the morning, but typically gets better throughout day as muscles surrounding the area warm up.  Achilles Tendonitis can be a persistent problem that requires treatment and we at Omnis Rehab are equipped to handle the issue.  We can use many different types of soft tissue work to break up the adhesions in the muscles that contribute to the pain, as well as rehab the area to be stronger and more flexible, therefore helping relieve the pain caused by the tendonitis.  We can also teach your ways to stretch and perform your own soft tissue work at home to manage symptoms on your own, and keep the pain and discomfort at bay. 

Plantar Fasciitis:  If you suffer from Plantar Fasciitis, you may not automatically think to visit your chiropractor, but it is an ailment that responds very well to the soft tissue techniques we employ at Omnis Rehab.  Plantar Fasciitis is caused when the ligament that connects your toes to your heel (the plantar fascia) becomes inflamed, swollen, and weak. This can cause a shooting or stabbing pain in the bottom of your foot or heel when you walk or stand. 

Shoulder or Rotator Cuff Impingement:  One of the most common issues we successfully treat in our Little Rock and North Little Rock chiropractic offices is shoulder pain.  Shoulder issues happen in both young people and older adults, and can be caused from the regular aging process or from exercise or activity.  The shoulder joint is one of the most complex joint structures in the body and can easily become inflamed.  Shoulder impingement syndrome occurs when the tendons of the rotator cuff and the subacromial bursa are pinched in the narrow space beneath the acromion.  This causes the tendons and bursa to become inflamed and swollen, causing pain or discomfort.  This pinching can be worse when the arm is raised away from the side of the body, or when engaging in sport.  Impingement may develop over time as a result of a minor injury, or as a result of repetitive motions (CrossFit kipping, tennis or golf swings, etc..) that lead to inflammation in the bursa.  In our office we utilize chiropractic soft tissue work to help relieve the pain and restore the joint back to health.  

If you are experiencing any of the above issues or symptoms, give us a call at 501-313-2844 to schedule an appointment at our West Little Rock chiropractic office or 501-353- 1781 to make an appointment at our North Little Rock chiropractic office.

Can a Chiropractor Help with TMJ Pain?

If you have tightness, pain or a clicking feeling in your jaw, you may be suffering from TMJ pain.  Good news is, we can treat your TMJ issues at our Little Rock or North Little Rock chiropractic clinics.  With some simple stretches, TMJ exercises and TMJ chiropractic adjustments, we can help alleviate your symptoms and provide relief.  

What is TMJ?

Temporomandibular disorder (TMD), more commonly known as TMJ is a blanket term for acute or chronic inflammation of the temporomandibular joint.  This joint is what connects your mandible to your skull and can become irritated or inflamed leading to issues.  Some of these symptoms or issues include:

  • pain or tenderness in jaw
  • headaches
  • aching pain in or around the ear
  • difficulty or pain while chewing
  • popping or clicking sound in jaw when opening mouth
  • locking of the joint, difficulty in opening or closing mouth

Chiropractic Treatment of TMJ

A trip to your Little Rock or North Little Rock chiropractor is a great way to address these issues.  The first thing we will do in office is rule out a problem with the muscles surrounding the joint that help open and close the mouth.  The three key muscles we will focus on include the masseter, the temporalis, and the pterygoid.  These muscle are no different than any other, in that they are susceptible to strains, tightness and weakness.  Once we check for trigger points within these muscles, we will work on both stretching and activating the muscles.  Just like other muscular issue, we want to follow the rules of:  stretching and/or mobilizing the appropriate tissues, then activating the tissues for joint stability and proper muscular mechanics.  After our soft tissue work, we will move onto adjusting and assessing the jaw in a chiropractic TMJ adjustment.  Your Little Rock chiropractor or North Little Rock chiropractor may also recommend exercises for you to perform at home to help aid in your recovery and management of your TMJ pain.

At Omnis Rehab: Joint and Performance Center we treat many patients with TMJ pain and symptoms that go along with it.  If you are tired of dealing with the issues, we are here to help.  Visit our website to set up an appointment or speak with one of our staff.  You can also check your insurance benefits here. 

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At Home Exercises and Stretches for Stiff Back

At Home Fixes for Upper and Lower Back Tightness

Snowmageddon has come and gone for Central Arkansas.  It was fun while it was here, but the lasting stiffness and tightness from the activities associated with snow aren’t any fun.  Shoveling snowy driveways and dragging kiddos on the sled can lead to back injury or muscle tightness.  If you are experiencing stiffness from change of your daily routine or too much snow fun, try out these stretches and exercises from Little Rock chiropractor, Dr. Brady DeClerk.

Try out these at home exercises to help upper and lower back pain and let us know how they work out!  As always, if pain or discomfort persists,  give us a call at Omnis Rehab Joint and Performance Center and we can get you schedules with out Central Arkansas Chiropractor or North Little Rock Chiropractor.

Call today to set up your appointment.

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