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Shoulder Pain: How to Find Relief

Shoulder Pain

Your shoulder is the most unstable and moveable joint in your body. If you have shoulder pain, here is how you can find relief.  Make sure to contact your Little Rock or North Little Rock Chiropractor for a full evaluation.

Bottom Line:

Did you know… your shoulder is the most unstable and moveable joint in your body.  Its wide range of motion is facilitated by four primary muscles and their tendons, which together are called  the rotator cuff.
If your shoulder becomes inflamed or an impingement occurs, you may make the mistake of avoiding using your arm to help it heal.  It may surprise you to learn that controlled movement is one of the best ways to heal.
Not moving your shoulder can actually contribute to more pain – or even lead to a frozen shoulder!

Why it Matters:

The most common source of pain in the shoulder is the tendons.  Your tendons attach the muscles of the shoulder to the bones.

ï‚· If the sac of fluid that cushions your shoulder becomes swollen and painful as a result of
repetitive motion, you may have bursitis.
ï‚· If a tendon in your shoulder becomes inflamed, you may have tendonitis.
ï‚· If a tendon gets pinched between or under the bones of your shoulder, it can result in shoulder
impingement. Lifting overhead repetitively can cause impingement, and you may experience swelling and pain.

 If a tendon in your shoulder becomes torn, you guessed it – you have a rotator cuff tear. Your
rotator cuff can become damaged due to overuse, injury, or age, and tears usually cause pain
when lifting and may be accompanied by a popping sound.

Next Steps:

Your shoulder and spine work together.  While it may seem like they are two completely different and independent areas of the body, research has shown that postural abnormalities can play a significant role in your likelihood of developing shoulder pain.
Maintaining a full range of motion in your shoulder and in the spinal joints of your neck and mid-back can
help reduce your chances of experiencing shoulder pain.

If you’ve been living with shoulder discomfort or difficulty moving, take a moment to contact your Little Rock or North Little Rock Chiropractor for a complete evaluation.
As your Little Rock and North Little Rock Chiropractor, we will work together with you to create a movement-based plan that gives you the best chance of finding long-term relief, naturally.

Science Source(s):
Immediate Effects of Spinal Manipulation on Shoulder Motion Range and Pain in Individuals with
Shoulder Pain: A Randomized Trial. J Chiropr Med. 2019

Week 4a Headache Medications Cause Headaches

Headache Medications Cause Headaches

One of the primary side effects of many prevalent headache medications is, well… more headaches.  That’s right, headache medications cause headaches!!!


Bottom Line:

Rebound headaches are often caused by the same medications you use to find relief. Even taking medications for more than just a few days may trigger overuse, or rebound, headaches.


Why it Matters:

 If you find yourself reaching for over-the-counter pain medications more than once a week, you may be putting yourself at risk for rebound headaches.  Most headache medications aren’t designed to be used frequently because they simply address the symptoms, not the cause of the problem.  As you take medication, your body can become sensitized, meaning you need to take more medication to achieve the same result. This can lead to a downward spiral and cycle of chronic rebound headaches.


The good news?  Taking care of yourself and creating healthy habits each day can prevent most headaches.


Here are a few ways to naturally reduce your risk of headaches…


  • Get enough sleep – going to bed and waking up at the same time each day helps your body maintain a natural rhythm.
  • Reduce your stress – plan, manage your daily schedule, and make stress-busting activities like yoga or meditation a part of your lifestyle.
  • Exercise regularly – movement and exercise releases endorphins that help your brain and body feel good and block pain signals.


Next Steps:

Medications aren’t very effective at reducing the frequency or severity of headaches.

Masking the symptoms with drugs can work now and again, but it’s not a sustainable way to find long-lasting relief.

To find lasting relief, you’ll want to follow the latest healthcare guidelines that recommend movement-based care, such as visiting your Little Rock or North Little Rock Chiropractor.

A your Little Rock and North Little Rock Chiropractor, we believe everyone should have the opportunity to live their life free from chronic headaches, and we’re here to help!

Science Source(s):


Medication Overuse Headaches. Mayo Clinic. 2020.

Week 3a How to Get Rid of Daily Headaches

How to Get Rid of Daily Headaches

If you notice that your headaches are becoming more frequent and intense, it can be troubling. Daily headaches can make it challenging to have a high quality of life and can affect your work and home life.  Along with Chiropractic care from your Little Rock or North Little Rock Chiropractor, here is how you can get rid of daily headaches.


Bottom Line:

If you notice that your headaches are becoming more frequent and intense, it can be troubling.  Daily headaches can make it challenging to have a high quality of life and can affect your work and home life.  The good news is that many of the most common types of headaches can be reduced or even eliminated by changing just a few of your daily habits.


Why it Matters:

Stress and tension are two of the biggest triggers for tension headaches.

Chronic headaches can cause your nervous system to become sensitized, meaning each day it takes less and less “stimulus” to kickstart a headache. Sensitization can become a vicious cycle, especially if your days are filled with repetitive motions.

One of the best ways to reset your system and decrease sensitization is through movement. Whether you prefer yoga, stretching, or massage, movement of your spine and body can ease the tensions associated with headaches.


Here are the most common symptoms of tension headaches:

  • Dull, aching pain in the head and neck.
  • Pressure and tightness across the sides, front, and back of your head.
  • Tenderness in your shoulders, head, and neck.


Next Steps:

Movement and exercise are key to life and one of the most powerfully simple ways you can break a cascade of daily headaches.

If you’re struggling to get moving because of the pain, let your Little Rock or North Little Rock Chiropractor know.

We’re happy to work with you to develop a comprehensive plan to help you reduce the frequency and severity of your headaches starting today!

Science Source(s):


Tensions Headaches. Mayo Clinic. 2019.

Week 2a The Link Between Neck Pain and Headaches

The Link Between Neck Pain and Headaches

Your head hurts. Could it be coming from your neck?  Your Little Rock and North Little Rock Chiropractor can help!!!


You may be surprised to learn that neck pain and headaches are tightly linked together.  A headache that starts from an issue in the neck is called a cervicogenic headache. A cervicogenic headache is characterized by a dull pain that radiates from the neck to the back of the head. At times it may spread around the side or front of your head.

Why it Matters:
Cervicogenic headaches are common if you spend long hours at the computer each day.  Neck stiffness and tender muscles around your head and shoulders often come along with cervicogenic headaches because of the position that many of us sit in all day.  That added stress and strain on your upper back and neck muscles adds up. Without taking proactive steps to address the cause, you may notice that the headaches become more frequent and intense.

Keep this in mind…
ï‚· Cervicogenic headaches can begin due to tightness in the shoulders, a stiff neck, or poor posture.
 Chiropractic adjustments  by you Little Rock or North Little Rock Chiropractor can reduce the severity and frequency of headaches.
ï‚· Over 70% of people with cervicogenic headaches find significant relief with chiropractic adjustments.


Next Steps:
To break the cycle of daily cervicogenic headaches, you need to address the underlying cause.  Staying well hydrated (with water!), stretching at least every hour, and setting your workstation up
ergonomically are all important to reduce your headache risk.

If you still notice that headaches are bugging you, or you’re experiencing neck pain or limited neck range of motion, call us in Little Rock or North Little Rock for a complete evaluation so we can create a plan of care to help you not only get well, but stay well!


Science Source(s):
Chiropractic Spinal Manipulative Therapy for Cervicogenic Headache: a Single-Blinded, Placebo,
Randomized Controlled Trial. BioMed Central. 2017


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